ESA Invoice Request Name (reflected on ESA account) * First Name Last Name Name First Name Last Name Name First Name Last Name Name First Name Last Name Birthday(s) * Separate multiple with comma Valid Email * Class attending * Naturally Social Membership- 3 Month Naturally Social Membership-1 Month A Little Nature Membership- 3 Month A Little Nature Membership-1 Month Bushcraft Membership-3 Month Bushcraft Membership-1 Month Bushcraft + Materials Other REQUEST FOR RECEIPT Private Class If "Other" please explain. * New ESA Procedure * In hopes to utilize the ESA debit card OR the Classwallet system more efficiently, we are going to shift over to one way of delivering invoices. Effective January 1, 2024, all individuals will be able to use their ESA debit card OR download their invoice to properly upload to Classwallet. In efforts to recognize that all individuals have their unique way of handling their ESA funds, we want to make requesting invoices as seamless as possible. For those that do not use PayPal or utilize the check out methods on the website, we will send invoices via Square. The MCC code is compatible with ESA. You may choose to download your invoice and upload to ESA or pay with your preferred method of payment. Once you have requested an invoice, you are agreeing to occupy a spot in class. Please be respectful in your requests as we recognize Classwallet may take longer to process. When you request a spot and do not communicate whether you are attending this takes from another member of the community that hopes to join. In order to continue being a vendor that accepts CW as a process of payment, we appreciate the support in following up with your request(s) of invoice(s). I have read ESA expectations and agree We will be in contact with you shortly with more details! With gratitude, Atypagal Team!