Integrating FUNdamentals


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We’re here to help you thrive

After years of personal and professional experience, we founded A Typ A Gal to help a child’s inquisitive mind flourish throughout every aspect of their life. With our comprehensive guided resources, you’ll unearth renewed tips and tricks to help you flourish in a typical world.

Show your strengths


Identify atypical learning

Use the interests of a child to create an optimal learning foundation.

Involve and evolve

All members of the family can come together to grow together.

Share your thoughts with others

Learn to share your strengths while respecting boundaries.

Break through limitations

Break through walls to turn your interests into unlimited possibilities .

What People are Saying:


DS - age 6

“That was the best! I know I learned so much! I am coming back tomorrow.”

JD-age 5

“At first I could not do this. It was a lot. I didn’t give up though! Look. I did this. We did this! Now we are going to have grass. That’s such a cool feeling!”

SH-age 10

“ I love coming! It gives me space to be myself and I always learn something new.”

MM- age 11

“Remember when I first started? I didn’t know anything. Now I know so much! I’m even teaching my mom!”

Adults in the community:

“The classes are incredibly organized! I can tell that you put a lot of thought into how the class is facilitated.”

“We love Natalia’s classes! She is so knowledgeable, caring and meets the needs of each individual child so well.I highly recommend her classes for toddlers, kids and adults!”

“Our family highly recommends this group to anyone!”

“Natalia and her team lead the way in outdoor education! Their knowledge and passion shows in their education experience. They are patient and understanding yet honor the balance of teaching a growth mindset.”

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Group Discussions:

“Where do worms live?”

Child: In fartalizer

Peer: They live in the earth.

Child: Yes! I know. You put fartilizer in your garden.

“What do we know about flowers?”

“Flowers are allergic to humans”-R age 5

“What is a way that you can filter water?”

“With your underwear…”(conversation evolves)

“ I wonder if Mr. Philip would rather filter his water with dirty underwear or wrestle a bear?”

Let’s GROW!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.